
Issue FT (ERC20)

What is FT?

Fungible Token or FT, which is a token that is generally guaranteed to have the same value if they are the same FT. I think it's easier to understand if you think of it as something similar to digital money, such as digital money in a bank account.

Here, let's issue the ERC20 standard FT "My Token" and learn the mechanism of exchange. Click here for the ERC20 standard


ERC20 SDK usage

Install ERC20 SDK

Prepare empty folder

mkdir test-erc20
cd test-erc20

Quick initialize npm project

npm init -y

Setting npm server for G.U.SDK

echo > .npmrc
echo @gusdk:registry=https://gusdk.gu.net/ >> .npmrc

At this point, the contents of the directory are as follows.

├── .npmrc
└── package.json

Install ERC20 SDK and ethers

npm install @gusdk/erc20-basic ethers@v5

Deploy a new token using ERC20 SDK

Create src folder and create deploy.js file

mkdir src && cd src && echo > deploy.js

Modify content deploy.js following:

const erc20BasicLib = require("@gusdk/erc20-basic")
const ethers = require('ethers')

async function deploy() {
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider({ url: "https://sandbox1.japanopenchain.org:8545/" })
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, provider);

const factory = new ERC20Basic__factory(signer)
const erc20 = await factory.deploy(

return erc20.address

deploy().then(address => console.log(address));

Execute it following command

node deploy.js

NOTE:: We can using token above or exist token address with ERC20 SDK

Get token name

Create name.js in src folder

echo > name.js

Modify content name.js following:

const erc20BasicLib = require("@gusdk/erc20-basic")
const ethers = require('ethers')

async function getTokenName(tokenAddress) {
endpointUrl = 'https://sandbox1.japanopenchain.org:8545/'
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider({url:endpointUrl})

const coin = erc20BasicLib.ERC20Basic__factory.connect(tokenAddress, provider);
return await coin.name()

const tokenAddress = '0x9C19fB1e8c0773eE5f6B6FE95ea711279F524534'
getTokenName(tokenAddress).then(value => console.log(value));

Execute it following command

node name.js

Get token balance of my account

Create balance.js in src folder

echo > balance.js

Modify content balance.js following:

const erc20BasicLib = require("@gusdk/erc20-basic")
const ethers = require('ethers')

async function getMyTokenBalance(tokenAddress, walletAddress) {
endpointUrl = 'https://sandbox1.japanopenchain.org:8545/'
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider({url:endpointUrl})

const coin = erc20BasicLib.ERC20Basic__factory.connect(tokenAddress, provider);
return await coin.balanceOf(walletAddress)

const tokenAddress = '0x9C19fB1e8c0773eE5f6B6FE95ea711279F524534'
const yourWalletAddress = '0x48a1ebb823ebA4940395ddCA05b6705b3EC8755b'
getMyTokenBalance(tokenAddress, yourWalletAddress).then(value => console.log(value));

Execute it following command

node balance.js

Transfer token to another account

Create transfer.js in src folder

echo > transfer.js

Modify content transfer.js following:

const { ERC20Basic__factory } = require("@gusdk/erc20-basic")
const ethers = require('ethers')

async function transfer(tokenAddress, to, amount) {
endpointUrl = 'https://sandbox1.japanopenchain.org:8545/'
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider({url:endpointUrl})
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, provider);

const coin = ERC20Basic__factory.connect(tokenAddress, signer);
return await coin.transfer(to, amount)

const tokenAddress = '0x9C19fB1e8c0773eE5f6B6FE95ea711279F524534'
const toAddress = '0x48a1ebb823ebA4940395ddCA05b6705b3EC8755b'
const amount = ethers.BigNumber.from(10)
transfer(tokenAddress, toAddress, amount).then(value => console.log(value));

Execute it following command

node transfer.js

Please see the reference for other features.