
Install SDK

Here, we will explain how to install the library using the SDK of ERC20Basic as an example.

Environmental preparation

To prepare for development with Node.js, create an empty folder and initialize it.

1.Prepare folder for development

Create empty folder

mkdir test-erc20
cd test-erc20

Initialize to use npm. It's okay to have each question skipped with Enter.

npm init

If the package.json file is created, it's successful.

2. Setting npm server of G.U.SDK

Create .npmrc in same directory

echo > .npmrc
echo @gusdk:registry=https://gusdk.gu.net/ >> .npmrc

Using your text editor, write the following in .npmrc and save it.


At this point, the contents of the directory are as follows.

├── .npmrc
└── package.json

Then execute the following command.

npm install @gusdk/erc20-basic

The erc20-basic library uses ethers.js, which is widely used in Ethereum programming, so install it at the same time.

npm install ethers@v5

Once the installation is complete, proceed to the next step.